Your Rights and Responsibilities

Your responsibilities

As a patient of this surgery, you too have responsibilities towards your practice. The NHS aim is to provide a fair and honourable service to all of its patients as well as its staff. This leaflet aims to provide an explanation of your key responsibilities as a patient of this surgery.


It is your duty to ensure you and anyone you bring into the practice treat all staff members of this surgery with respect and courtesy. The practice operates a zero tolerance policy with respect to the safety and protection of all staff and patients.

Your treatment

When you are being seen by a doctor you must be sure of the treatment that is being offered to you. If you are unsure of the treatment that we are providing to you then it is your responsibility to speak to a doctor to ensure you are satisfied.

Keeping appointments

It is your responsibility to ensure that any appointments made by yourself are kept and attended on time. When you make an appointment please ensure you note it down. If you fail to attend 3 appointments within one year without notification to us then you will be informed by writing. If this persists then regretfully you will be removed from our Practice register.

Family appointments

All appointments made are per person. If you require other members in your household to be seen by the doctor then all appointments must be made separately. If the appointment is not made then the doctor will not be able to see that patient – the doctor will see only the patient for whom the appointment has been made.


You should speak to the doctor about medication that is prescribed to you. If you are unsure of the dosage, duration or the reason for the medication then please speak to the doctor before leaving, alternatively you may speak to the pharmacy. You must take the medication according to the instructions given. 

Change of details

If you change your name, address or phone number, please provide the surgery with your new details. This will need to include change of name deed/marriage certificate and a recent utility bill as proof.

Your rights

As a patient, you are obligated to know your rights and regulations; this leaflet aims to provide you with some key information on your rights as a patient of this surgery.

Your right to register with a GP practice.

The practice catchment area is mainly located within the E7 area but can extend out to E12, E13 and E15. However if we do not accept to register you, then we will have reasonable grounds for doing so. These reasons must not have anything to do with Race, Gender, Social Class, Age, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Appearance, Disability or Medical Condition. 

Treatment from a GP

You are entitled to treatment from a GP at the surgery where you are registered, you may also request to see a specific GP, but may have to wait longer. Treatment outside of your surgery hours is also provided for you, this service will be provided to you by the GP Co-op.

Keeping and protecting information about you

All health and social care organisations including Woodgrange Medical Practice are registered with the Information Commissioner in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. 

This means that your records are confidential and NO details will be passed on to any person without your consent, except in very exceptional circumstances. This includes your relatives, spouse or anyone else unless you are unable to give consent yourself.

Accessing your medical reports and health records

You have the right to see most health records held about you, subject to certain safeguards. It is your right to be informed of the uses of your health records and medical reports; who has access to them and how you can arrange to see your records. For information on how the information is issued, you may wish to speak to a doctor or the health professional in charge of your case.

Right to hospital treatment

You cannot receive NHS hospital treatment without being referred by a Doctor unless you are attending Accident and Emergency.

Patient consent

It is your right as a patient to choose not to have treatment by the doctor. You will not be examined or given any treatment or operation without your consent. There are some extenuating circumstances which you can speak to the doctor about. When you visit our practice this usually implies that you are consenting to treatment and an examination from your doctor. The GP will not act against specific instruction, so it is your responsibility to tell the doctor about any treatment that you do not want.

If you, as a guardian to a child, choose not to give consent for the child’s treatment which the doctor thinks is necessary, the doctor is still obliged to treat the child. If a child’s life is in danger the doctor has the right to do whatever is needed to save the child’s life. If you or a guardian to the child fail to provide medical help to the child or unreasonably refuse to allow treatment, it may become a child protection issue for which you can be prosecuted for neglect